Saturday, January 29, 2011

Ubuntu Linux / Windows XP Dual Boot

So... I can't escape from Windows XP. I still need it!!! at least for Microsoft Share Point text editing, by Internet Explorer.

Other admin tools work better in Windows than in Linux. (I want to emphasize: "just admin tools").

I have to try the Dual Boot option so that Windows and Ubuntu can coexist on the same Desktop PC.

My System:
Desktop PC: Dell Optiplex 330
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo "64-bits"
Ubuntu Version: 10.04 LTS Lucid Lynx
Windows Version: XP
Hard Disk Size: 160 GB

Installing Ubuntu with Dual Boot is essentially the same procedure described in the previous post:

"Installing Ubuntu Linux"

The difference is the Step 4: "Prepare your disk space"

a) Last time we selected "erase and use the entire disk", but this time we have to select:

"Install them side by side, choosing between them each startup."

At the bottom of the window, you can see the current partitions with the OS and size assigned.

Just drag the little "square" cursor in the color bar so that you can adjust the size of your Ubuntu Linux partition which is about to be created.

For example:

Dell Utility Partition (/dev/sda1)
41.1 MB

Microsoft Windows XP Professional (/dev/sda2)
41.1 GB

Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS
118.8 GB

Click "Forward"

b) Now you'll see a warning message:
"Write previous changes to a disk and continue?"

With this text:
"Before you can select a new partition size, any previous
changes have to be written to disk.

You cannot undo this operation.

Please note that the resize operation may take a long time."

Click Continue. You will see a progress bar with the title "Resizing Partition".

c) You'll go to Step 5: Who are you?
Enter your information like in the previous post.

d) Finally, we know what the Step 6 is.
(Remember that we didn't see it during the previous post?)

Step 6: "Migrate documents and settings".

With this text:
"Select any accounts you would like to import. The documents and settings for these
accounts will be available after the install completes.

If you do not wish to import any accounts, select nothing and go to the next page.

There were no users or operating systems suitable for importing from."

Click Forward. (I didn't have anything to migrate :( ... )

e) Go to the Step 7 which is a summary and click Install.
(like in the previous post)

f) Reboot the computer. You'll see this menu immediately.

GNU GRUB version 1.98-1ubuntu7

Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.32-24-generic
Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.32-24-generic (recovery mode)
Memory test (memtest86+)
Memory test (memtest86+, serial console 115200)
Dell Utility Partition (on /dev/sda1)
Microsoft Windows XP Professional (on /dev/sda2)

Use the arrow keys to select which entry is highlighted.
Press enter to boot the selected OS, 'e' to edit the commands
before booting or 'c' for a command-line.

Now you are ready to select the OS you want to boot.

As a default, Ubuntu is going to boot after 7 seconds.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Installing Ubuntu Linux

I have my Ubuntu USB Stick with 10.04 LTS Lucid Lynx to be installed on my system:

My System:
Desktop PC: Dell Optiplex 330
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo "64-bits"
Ubuntu Version: 10.04 LTS Lucid Lynx

Among all the options I have regarding installing Ubuntu on my PC,  I choose to have Ubuntu Linux as the one and only partition on my PC.

Let's start!!!


Note: You can see a more comprehensive description in:
Step 4: Install it!
Clicking the button "Show me how"

1. Turn off your PC and insert the Ubuntu USB Stick while it is still off.

2. Turn on your PC and boot from USB.
As described in "Step 4: Install it!"
'Most newer computers can boot from USB.'

For example, in my Dell Optiplex 330, I must press 'F12' right after turning it on so that I can access to the Boot Menu.

This is my Boot Menu:

Boot Device Menu
* Onboard or USB Floppy Drive
* Onboard SATA Hard Drive
* USB Device

* System Setup

* Diagnostics

Use Up/Down arrows to highlight desired item

Use Enter to select highlighted item

So, I need to select "USB Device" using the arrow keys and pressing enter.

3. You'll get to a black screen called "Installer boot menu" with a big Ubuntu Logo.

You should select this option: "Install Ubuntu on a Hard Disk"
Then press enter.

4. You should get the "Install" menu which asks you to perform 7 steps.

Step 1: Select your language.
In my case I prefer "English".
Click "Forward"

Step 2: Select your Region.
In my case I prefer
Region: North America
Time Zone: Mexico (Monterrey)
Click "Forward"

Step 3: Select your Keyboard Layout.
In my case I prefer "Suggested option USA"

Step 4: Prepare disk space.
This is probably the most delicate part of the procedure.
You must be sure of what you want to do:
a) Ubuntu Linux as your only OS
select "erase and use the entire disk"
b) Ubuntu Linux as one of your OS's on your PC
select "specify partitions manually"

I want a), so I will select "erase and use the entire disk"
Click "Forward"

Step 5: Who are you?
Enter your information, for example:
What is your name
Jimenez, Alejandro
What name do you want to use to log in?
Choose a password to keep your account safe.
What is the name of the computer?

Select "Require my password to log in"

Click "Forward"

Step 7: Ready to install.
You'll see a summary of the information you selected.
Note: Isn't there any 'step 6'? :p
Click "Install"

5. You will see a new window called "Installing System"
Wait until it gets to 100%.
This may take a couple of minutes (like 5 minutes, depending on your hard disk).

6. You should see a final window "Installation Complete" with this text:
"Installation is complete. You need to restart the computer in order to use the new installation."
Click "Restart Now"

7. You'll see a warning 
"Please remove the disc and close the tray (if any) then press ENTER:"

I haven't used any CD, so I can just press enter (I won't press F12 when my PC re-boots so that it can boot normally from the hard disk).


I can see a welcome windows titled "ajimenez-linux-desktop";
if I click on my name "Jimenez", it asks me for my password.
Click "Log in".

I have my Ubuntu 10.04 installed on my 64-bits machine

Note: How did I take the screenshot?
Aplications > Accessories > Take Screenshot > 
Grab the whole desktop > Grab after a delay of 3 seconds

Click "Take Screenshot"

Downloading Ubuntu Linux

You want to get involved with Embedded Systems, specifically "Linux Embedded Systems".

What's the first thing you need to do? Downloading and Installing Linux on your PC

In my case, I'm going to install Ubuntu Linux on this system in order to illustrate the procedure:
(installing Ubuntu on any other PC should be very similar).

My System:
Desktop PC: Dell Optiplex 330
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo "64-bits"
Ubuntu Version: 10.04 LTS Lucid Lynx

Why do I need this specific kind of system?
I want to work with Android Gingerbread Releases, so... a 64-bit Linux machine is a must.

I must confess that I've been a Windows guy for a long time. I still use Windows,... and I will download Linux from a Windows PC (XP).

Everything ready? Let's start!!!


1. Go to the Ubuntu Official website

Click on the big orange "Download Ubuntu" button

This will take you to the "Get Ubuntu Desktop Edition" site:

2. Select these options in the "1. Download Ubuntu Desktop Edition" section

Download options
- Ubuntu 10.04 LTS - Long-term support
- 64-bit

Click on the very big "Start Download" orange button.
It should describe the Ubuntu options you have just selected.

After clicking on the orange button, your downloading process should start.
File: ubuntu-10.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso
(You may take 30 minutes, more less, depending on your internet speed).

Wow!!! Now you have your Ubuntu Image File (.iso)

There's an indefinitely large amount of things you can do with it!!!

I always suggest to create a USB stick since many new PC's don't have CD ROM.
Is there any PC that doesn't have any USB slot?

3. Select these options in the "2. Burn your CD or create a USB drive".

I would like to create a:
USB stick
To create it, I will be using:

Now click on the "Show me how" gray button. The steps you need to follow are going to be displayed.

For example, I was told to perform these steps

I. Insert a USB stick with at least 2 GB of free space.
II. Download the Universal USB Installer
This takes you to the website
Where you must download the file:
Click on this button:

III. Click "Run" when prompted

IV. If the security dialog appears, confirm by clicking 'Run'

V. Read the licence agreement and choose "I Agree" to continue.

VI. Select Ubuntu Desktop Edition from the dropdown list.

VII. Click 'Browse' and open the downloaded ISO file.

VIII. Choose the USB drive and click "Create"

So, you are going to format the (D:) Drive and copy the Ubuntu Installer there, right?

Are you really sure? (It's very important that you don't confuse your drives and that is really your USB drive)

The Ubuntu ISO is extracted...

And the Ubuntu Installer is copied to your USB drive.

If you explore your brand-new Ubuntu USB stick, it should look like this:

At this point, there are some options to install Ubuntu on your PC:
a) Ubuntu Linux as the one and only partition (100% use of your PC)
b) Ubuntu Linux as one of the existing partitions on your PC (among other Operating Systems)
c) Ubuntu Linux living virtually on Windows (by a Virtual Machine or by wubi.exe)

I prefer a), however you might encounter circumstances that may force you to choose b) or c)